Sunday, October 25, 2009

SnailsLab Video

Here's a video from last Sunday's CYland SL opening - featuring Pinkpink's painting RL snails!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Snails Lab Pictures

Here's my snapshots from Sunday's CYland SL opening, complete with live-painting snails on the video stream ...
And here's qDot Bunnyhug's pictures: who got them online right during the event!

And the CYland Flickr Group -

Monday, October 12, 2009

Snails Lab - Opening of CYland SL

Our russian friends ( have been developing an inworld gallery which is due to be opened sunday next week.
Cyland Media Art Lab, an artistic laboratory based in St. Petersburg and New York, arrived in SL! As it opened its doors quietly in summer we now want to point out that there will be an opening-event on Oct. 18th, 10 am SLT!
["Every snail is an artist." - video streaming from RL]

Pinkpink Sorbet will be streaming painting snails from her RL home and Magggnnus Woodget has been preparing a couple snail themed surpises!
Join us for the event Sun Oct 18th, 10am SLT - There will be robots. And there will be cocktails! Follow this SLUrl for a teleport.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Betty Tureaud Exhibition Opening

Today Betty Tureaud opened her exhibition "Cube of Infinity" at Danish Visions. Inside a gigantic cube there is plenty to explore, colorful kinetic installations and most striking an ensemble of tall robot figures - a dancing couple and a mother and baby!
The exhibition runs for one whole month, here's the Slurl:, it's sure worth visiting.
The title 'cube of infinity' describes a form but it doesn't gives us a clear idea of size. infinity isn't something that we are confronted with in our direct life. the work shows elements of classical attributes and concepts from western religion. such as Memento mori, purgatory and the traditional idea of a supernatural realm. (inkspots Voom)